
My collage really embraces who I am, where I came from and what art has done to impact my life. First you see all of the green lines, they represent how I have grown up over the years. Then there are pictures from my friends to Mexico and of artwork. The single picture of me really captures who I am today: the missionary, Belmont kid who loves art. My hobbies are baking, painting, fashion, and service work, but I also cheered all throughout middle and high school. The picture to the bottom far left is of my family and the picture to the top left is my boyfriend. This piece also shows my hometown, Atlanta and my future home, Mexico (top right). Which also describes how I impact and the world impacts me today, I go on foreign missions every year and have fallen in love with Mexico, where I hope to continue working there. Art is also a key component in my piece: I love to paint (my painting is in the middle) and I also love to go to art museums, which is the atmosphere of my piece. Art is what I do, and is a huge part of my life. Lastly history, it has made me who I am it has taken me from the five year old who said “When I grow up, I want to be a missionary artist,” to the girl who is actually getting to live out that dream. It also plays a role in the world we live in today, our world has become more corrupt and there is a calling for help. History also relate to art, such as Starry Night, throughout time this piece has become priceless and timeless. With time everything changes and we get the opportunity to live out our dreams. 

  • Decisions: I chose to make an atmosphere with my piece. I wanted to make the viewer feel like they were looking into a gallery. I also chose to keep the piece organized and orderly.
  • Color: Green is the main color I chose to use in this piece, it is my favorite color and catches attention against the black and white. The frames and background are monochromatic to keep your focus on the whole thing and not to draw away.
  • Light: I used light to create a volume to this piece. I also used the white frames to compliment darker picture or pictures that weren’t supposed to stand out, where as the black is around mostly important pictures and against lighter pictures to give balance. 
  • Texture: I created texture in the background with old book pages. I also created texture with the cut up construction paper to create a wood floor.
  • Volume: This is created to make the depth of the room. The light to dark gradation makes you feel as if the back wall is farther away. 
  • Line:  My collage has a lot of symmetrical, parallel, and perpendicular times that move your eye from one side to the other. It is a very horizontal piece with brings calmness to the piece.
  • Space: Space is created by the 3 dimensional perspective you get as it get smaller towards the back. 
  • Scale: The objects in the bigger frames are of more importance and relevance to my life now. 
  • Symbolism: There are many aspects of symbolism in my piece 1) the pom poms represent my cheerleading career throughout life 2) starry night represents the importance of history and art to my life 3) the cross represents how I am a Christian and grew up in a Christian family 4) the green shows my journey through life 5) the paint brushes represent that I am an artist 5) the cake represents my love for baking 5) the quote “...and they lived happily ever after” represents my future and that I want to get married 6) the picture frames represent my organization and the fact that everything has its place in my life.


Scotty said...

love it

Stephanie said...

I love that your collage looks like a gallery... the frames, the realistic shading on the wall, etc. Visually, it makes the collage so much more interesting than just an arrangement of pictures. Additionally, the black and white contrast really pops and draws the eye to certain parts. It's so awesome that you have known what you want to do with your life for such a long time, and it's very inspiring to see that you will be living out your dream in Mexico!

Lolo said...

I really like the gallery presentation, it makes the organized layout of the pictures and other things much more interesting, and it gives the piece a lot of depth. The use of green is obvious without being overwhelming, a very good use of accent color. All the symbolic elements are interesting as well. Good job.

Davy said...

The calmness and orderliness are what first draw my eye to the piece and the individual framing keep my eye interested from piece to piece. I love the fact that the collage is presented as a space we are able to step into inviting us into the work. I agree with Stephanie in saying that it is very inspiring that you had a dream and your accomplishing it, and along the same lines doing something you love!

artsygirl21 said...

I love how the collage is supposed to remind us of an art gallery! It adds a nice touch to the overall piece. I feel like the whole collage could be considered part of your missionary work through art. Each aspect is part of who you are and you express yourself through the art like this collage. :)

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